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Q. How do I activate my Taulia account?: 000008658

Article Number: 000008658

Information on how to activate your account after you have been invited by your customer to use Taulia.

Q. Why is my activation code (token) showing invalid?: 000003511

Article Number: 000003511

You can request for a new token only if you have already been invited. If you have never received an invitation, please contact your customer.

Q. Why haven't I received my portal invitation email?: 000003467

Article Number: 000003467

If you are a new supplier that needs to use Taulia for the first time, you will need to be invited by your customer to use the portal. Please contact your customer for your invitation.

Q. My account is locked. How do I reset my password?: 000003590

Article Number: 000003590

Your account will lock if you enter your password incorrectly more than 5 times. You will need to reset your password in order to unlock your account.

Q. How do I add or deactivate users?: 000003731

Article Number: 000003731

You can manage your account users in the portal and provide different levels of access.

Q. How do I add other customers to my current Taulia account?: 000008659

Article Number: 000008659

Information on how to add other customer accounts to your current Taulia account.

Q. How do I merge/combine my Taulia accounts into one?: 000003598

Article Number: 000003598

If you have more than one customer using the Taulia Portal and you need access to two or more accounts with the same login, you can combine your customers to one login.

Q. How do I contact support?: 000003357

Article Number: 000003357

Contact support if you are not able to find the help information you need.

Q. How do I enable/disable the auto-acceptance of Early Payments Offers? (Cashflow™): 000003181

Article Number: 000003181

Learn how to turn on Cashflow™, a feature that enables you to automatically receive early payments after invoice approval by customers in exchange for a percentage.

Q. Why are my AR Financing invoices not available for early payment?: 000010710

Article Number: 000010710

This article will explain the most common reasons why an AR Financing invoice may not be in Available status.

Q. How do I start/stop receiving email notifications?: 000003472

Article Number: 000003472

Use the email notification settings feature to manage your email notifications.

Q. My purchase order is missing. Who should I contact?: 000003198

Article Number: 000003198

If you are not able to find a PO in the portal, please contact your customer.

Q. How do I login to the Supplier Platform?: 000003322

Article Number: 000003322

There are multiple ways to successfully log into the platform.

Q. How do I acknowledge/confirm or dispute a purchase order?: 000003469

Article Number: 000003469

Confirming or Acknowledging a PO from your customer.

Q. I am new to Taulia. What should I do first?: 000008036

Article Number: 000008036

Quickly learn about Taulia and how to use it!

Q. I cannot log into the platform.: 000003429

Article Number: 000003429

There are 4 common reason why you cannot log into the platform.

Q. How do I change my Taulia account's email address?: 000003383

Article Number: 000003383

You can update the email address that you use to access Taulia.

Q. How can I add a delivery note (packing slip) to an invoice?: 000003325

Article Number: 000003325

The Taulia Supplier Portal refers to the packing slip as a Delivery Note. The Delivery Note field is located above the Comment box at the bottom of the invoice creation screen.

Q. How do I complete my enrollment through Supplier Launch?: 000008467

Article Number: 000008467

Information on how to complete enrollment in Taulia through Supplier Launch.

Q. What is the eFile invoice submission report?: 000003348

Article Number: 000003348

Explains how to use the invoice submission report when sending invoices through eFile

Q. How do I assign branches to our portal users?: 000008574

Article Number: 000008574

Branch permissions allow account admins to give access to specific data in the portal.

Q. How do we change user access to our account?: 000008655

Article Number: 000008655

Information on how to manage user access to your Taulia accounts.

Q. What is Cashflow™?: 000003360

Article Number: 000003360

Cashflow™ is a feature that enables you to automatically receive early payments after an invoice is approved by your customer.

Q. How do I enroll/register to use the Taulia platform?: 000006479

Article Number: 000006479

Information on how to enroll to start using Taulia.

Q. I tried to reset my password but I am not receiving the password reset email.: 000006478

Article Number: 000006478

Follow these instructions if you tried to reset your password but did not receive the email notification with the reset instructions.

Q. How do I manage my invoice compliance details?: 000003624

Article Number: 000003624

Some European suppliers require to have the compliance saved prior to invoice submission.

Q. What is the exchange rate when creating an invoice?: 000006033

Article Number: 000006033

Some customers require their suppliers to enter the current exchange rate when submitting an invoice.

Q. How do I create a PO invoice for Mexico? (eMex): 000008006

Article Number: 000008006

Information on how to upload CFDI compliant invoices for Mexico.

Q. How do I contact my customer?: 000003346

Article Number: 000003346

You can find your customer contact information by following this article.

Q. How does Taulia support e-invoicing in different countries?

Article Number: 000008554

Information on how Taulia supports e-invoicing globally.


New to Taulia? There’s a guide for that! Let us guide you so you can quickly get started.


Q. What is eFile?: 000003379

eFile allows you to submit invoices to your customer through EDI, CSV or XML formats.

Q. How do I add or deactivate users?: 000003731

You can manage your account users in the portal and provide different levels of access.

Q. How do I download a payment report?: 000003471

You can download an XML, PDF or CSV report of single and multiple payments. This report will also show what invoices are paid under a specific payment remittance.

Q. How do I merge/combine my Taulia accounts into one?: 000003598

If you have more than one customer using the Taulia Portal and you need access to two or more accounts with the same login, you can combine your customers to one login.

Q. How do I save my invoice as draft?: 000003188

You can save your invoice as draft in the portal. This will allow you to make changes to the invoice at a later time.

Q. My invoice is showing 'In Process'. What does this mean?: 000008561

Information why your invoice is showing 'In Process'.

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