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Taulia Business Exchange for SAP: System Refresh Guide POD Customers.: 000010632

Article Number: 000010632

Occasionally, you must refresh your SAP system to include an update, a data migration, or some other reason. When you refresh your SAP system, you must also refresh the Taulia SAP Add-On. The Taulia program must be refreshed to prevent data synchronization errors.

For customers who have implemented Taulia's Supply Chain Finance (SCF), this guide will call out any specific requirements and procedures needed to refresh SCF systems.

Requirements for System Refresh
You must meet the following requirements before you can perform a Taulia system refresh:

  • Notify the Taulia Support Team by raising a Support case here a minimum of five days before you intend to perform the SAP system refresh (aka copyback).
  • For SCF, if the project is still in the implementation phase, notify your Taulia project manager when your refresh is expected to occur.
  • Stop your POD system before beginning the SAP Add-On refresh process.
  • Make a note of the XMLRPC user name in the POD configuration file here: %POD_DIR%/wrapper/pod/mem/pod.config. This helps Taulia to locate the correct environment. 
  • Maintain the system ID of the production system in the /TAULIA/BS_SYS_Rtable. The system ID defines which system is the production environment. If the /TAULIA/BS_ SYS_R table is blank, the refresh program will not run. This requirement prevents the refresh program from accidentally running on the production environment. 
Refreshing a QA or test environment will cancel any ongoing tests. After the system has been refreshed, all testing scenarios must be redone. Contact your Taulia project manager before you refresh any system where testing might be ongoing. 

Refreshing the Taulia SAP Add-On

The following process will refresh the Taulia SAP Add-On program. Use this procedure only after your SAP system has been stopped but prior to the system being refreshed.

To refresh the Taulia SAP Add-On:

1 - Stop the POD: 

  • Navigate to folder %POD_DIR%.
  • Enter tauliapod stop (Linux). For Windows Servers, the Taulia POD service needs to be stopped.
2 - Contact Taulia Support here and include the following:
  • The system name to be refreshed
  • The XMLRPCuserID
3 - Go to Transaction SE38 and execute the following program: /TAULIA/CT_POD_LOG_CLEAN_UP
  • Ensure that you have today's date in the selection.
  • The batch size can be set at 100.
4 - After your SAP refresh is complete, run the /TAULIA/BS_SYS_REFRESH as a background job by selecting sy-batch = X in the execution options of the program. 

5 - Please note that table /TAULIA/BS_CDUMP should be with no entries before the POD is started. To be deleted with /TAULIA/CT_POD_LOG_CLEAN_UP, it needs the link between table /TAULIA/TPODX and /TAULIA/BS_CDUMP to determine what entries to remove from table /TAULIA/BS_CDUMP. It is common in non-productive systems that the link between table /TAULIA/TPODX and /TAULIA/BS_CDUMP gets lost during a refresh. Therefore, If you see entries in /TAULIA/BS_CDUMP after you have run the refresh program, please follow the steps below:

  • Go to Transaction code SE14;
  • Enter the table name as the Obj. Name;
  • Click Edit;
  • Check Background as the Processing type;
  • Check the radio button Delete data;
  • Click Activate and adjust database;
  • Schedule the job for immediate and save;
6 - Please check if you have entries in table /TAULIA/DD_TNROL

7 - For SCF-enabled systems, navigate to STRUST and export the Taulia certificate to Taulia using the same email thread you used to start the system refresh process.
Note: Your digital signature may have a different name. If the Taulia Digital Signature folder is not apparent, refer to the Taulia Enhanced Discounting for SAP Guide for more information.

8 - After you have received a response from Taulia stating that a new supplier Portal and buyer account has been created for the refreshed system, re-initialize the POD by navigating to %POD_DIR%/wrapper folder and entering the command: java-jar tauliaBase.jar--reset-podid.

9 - Start your POD by navigating to %POD_DIR% and enter the command: tauliapod start (Linux). For Windows Servers the Service needs to be started. 

10 - Reply to Taulia to confirm that your POD has successfully restarted.

11 - For each job that you initialize, check the job logs in %POD_DIR%/wrapper/pod/log to see if the data has been correctly initialized.

12 - Confirm with Taulia Support that the process is working correctly.

Post Refresh Tasks 

1 - After the refresh, the following non-transportable configurations must be reapplied:
  • EarlyPaymentGlobalGroup
  • Early Payment Assign
  • SCF Groups
  • Additional configurations may apply depending on your implementation
2 - Any suppliers that are needed for testing must be invited and enrolled again. Send a message to Taulia requesting an email whitelist to enroll these suppliers.

SCF Early Payment groups should be created and assigned in the Taulia Portal. Contact Taulia Support for additional assistance.

Refresh Logs
You can view the following logs to confirm that your refresh was successful:    

Log Location
vendorDataGet tail -100%POD_DIR%/wrapper/pod/log/VendorDataGet.log
billingDataGet tail -100 %POD_DIR%/wrapper/pod/log/BillingDataGet.log
invoiceGet tail -100 %POD_DIR%/wrapper/pod/log/InvoiceGet.log
poGet tail -100%POD_DIR%/wrapper/pod/log/PoGet.log
paymentGet tail -100 %POD_DIR%/wrapper/pod/log/PaymentGet.log

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