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Release Date |
May 14, 2024 |
Support Period |
May 14, 2024 - May 14, 2026 |
S/4 HANA 2023 Compatibility
Release 5.1 of the Taulia Add-on for SAP is now compatible and fully tested with SAP S/4 HANA 2023. Taulia recommends that customers upgrade Taulia when they upgrade their S/4 HANA version. Please reach out to your Taulia representative or open a case with Taulia's Technical Services team to start the upgrade process.
Business Transaction Events (BTEs) were previously packaged with the Taulia Add-on for SAP for use with Dynamic Payment Terms. These BTEs are no longer used by Taulia and have been removed from the Add-on as a result of checks raised by the ABAP Test Cockpit (ATC) in S/4 HANA 2023. Customers who use or previously used Taulia DPTs should check their Business Transaction Event configuration (t-code: FIBF) for any /TAULIA/* function modules configured for the following Process Modules of a partner:
These Partner Enhancements should be removed in conjunction with the Taulia version upgrade to prevent short dumps.
Taulia Integration in SAP Business Accelerator Hub
We are pleased to announce that Taulia's integration package is now published in the SAP Business Accelerator Hub!
Customers who wish to connect to the Taulia Platform using SAP Cloud Integration (CI/CPI) as middleware can now search for Taulia in the SAP Integration Suite and download Taulia's integration flow from there. A configuration guide is also provided in the Business Accelerator Hub to enable a self-service integration.
Refactored Compliance Credit Notes for Dynamic Discounting
With this release, we introduce our homogenized solution for jurisdictions which require a credit note to capture the discount for Dynamic Discounting. Now the credit note creation instructions can be provided by the Taulia Platform in the early payment request, allowing the Add-on to leverage Platform intelligence to determine when to create a credit note without the need for a separate process to receive the credit note details.
Contact your Taulia representative if you are currently generating credit notes to capture the DD discount for certain jurisdictions and would like to migrate to this refactored solution.
New Configuration
Certain jurisdictions require that tax-exempt invoice items display a reason for the tax exemption. A new configuration for Tax Exempt Reason (t-code: /TAULIA/CTAXXMT) has been created to identify exempt tax codes within a region and their reason for exemption. The configured exempt reason will be transmitted to the Taulia Platform for any invoice line item that has the specified tax code/company code country combination. The tax-exempt reason value will be transferred to any credit note generated by the Taulia Platform to achieve tax compliance requirements for Dynamic Discounting.
A new configuration for DD Credit Note Posting Settings (t-code: /TAULIA/CNPOST) has been created to define the rules for posting the discount credit note. The settings can be maintained per company code or agnostic of company code and allow for the specification of document type and posting type to be used during document generation. The posting type drives the accounting logic that will be applied to the credit note with the following options:
Invoice Extract
Invoice line item tax amounts and rates are now calculated and sent to the Taulia Platform. These values are necessary to correctly capture the tax data for the item on the DD compliance credit note.
The early payment request will contain information about the compliance credit note, including the unique identifier of the document created in the Taulia Platform. The Invoice Send process (INV_OUT) is enhanced to capture this unique identifier when the credit note is transmitted back to the Taulia Platform so that the SAP document number may be updated on the Platform-generated document.
Early Payment Request
When the Taulia Platform solution for DD compliance credit note is activated, the Platform determines whether a credit note must be generated or an invoice adjustment must occur to capture the discount and provides an instruction on the early payment request. This is based on the source of supply of the invoice and is configurable per buyer. When a credit note must be generated, the Platform will generate the data for the credit note and provide this data on the early payment request as well.
When the Taulia Platform solution for DD compliance credit note generation is activated, the Payment Preparation Settings (t-code: /TAULIA/DD_CPAY) are ignored. Either a credit note will be generated, or an adjustment will be made to the original invoice cash discount amount field to capture the discount, depending on the instructions received in the early payment request. With this solution, there is no longer the option to adjust the cash discount percentage field. The Taulia Platform instructs the SAP Add-on to create a DD compliance credit note in the Submit Early Payment (EP_DO) process. Upon receipt of this instruction, the original accelerated invoice will have its baseline date and payment terms details adjusted to ensure payment on the early payment date requested by the supplier but the discount amount/percent will not be captured on the original invoice. Instead, the Platform-generated credit note will be replicated in SAP to capture the discount. The amount for this credit note as well the reference number will be provided by the Taulia Platform in the early payment request. The document type and GL accounts used for posting will be derived from the DD Credit Note Posting Settings configuration (t-code: /TAULIA/CNPOST). As long as the GL account of the item is allowed for tax postings, the tax codes from the original accelerated invoice will be replicated onto the credit note, and the credit note amount will be distributed to these tax codes proportionate to their distribution on the original invoice. SAP calculates tax logic, which will always be used to calculate tax when posting credit notes.
NOTE: In order to calculate tax correctly, the Taulia integration user must NOT be set with the entry parameter “Calculate Taxes on Net Amount.” This can be adjusted for the Taulia integration user in the User Maintenance transaction (t-code: SU01) in the Parameters tab. If an entry exists for Parameter ID FO2, it should be removed.
A new user exit Post Credit Note from Platform (DD31) is introduced to allow modification of the credit note data to achieve customer-specific requirements.
The DD compliance credit note will be linked to the accelerated invoice using the invoice reference field. This linking will result in the baseline date, payment terms and terms details of the invoice to be adopted by the credit note and ensure that the accelerated invoice and its discount credit note are netted together by the automatic payment program.
Relevant data will be captured from the Platform generated credit note for use in the document generation as well as logging in the Taulia register tables to ensure the Platform document and SAP document remain in sync.
The Taulia Platform unique identifier of the credit note will be captured in a new table (/TAULIA/DDCNGUID) where it will be linked to the SAP document number of the credit note and provided in the invoice extract for the credit note. This new table is now considered by the data clean-up program (/TAULIA/CT_POD_CLEANUP_LOGS) so that old records may be removed from the table.
The early payment request is considered successful when the original accelerated invoice is updated, and the credit note is posted. A successful early payment request will result in an acknowledgment of acceptance to be sent to the Taulia Platform as well as the accelerated invoice being logged in the Taulia Payment Register table with reference to the created credit note. This table is used in case an early payment cancellation request is received.
Early Payment Cancellation
Customers may request the cancellation of an early payment request for Dynamic Discounting after a DD compliance credit note is generated. The Add-on receives an early payment cancellation request via the Receive EP Cancel process (RECV_EPCAN) for Taulia Direct Connections or the Supplier Action process (BUSACT) for POD connections. Upon cancellation of an early payment request where a DD compliance credit note was generated, the credit note was reversed, and the accelerated invoice due date (baseline date and terms fields) was reverted to the original due date.
Enhanced Credit Note Netting Algorithm for Flexible Funding
A new algorithm is available in the Taulia Platform that allows credit note netting for invoices spanning multiple due dates. This enhanced algorithm allows more spending to be available for early payment and is the preferred netting algorithm for Taulia Flexible Funding solutions. The Taulia Add-on for SAP was already capable of handling this algorithm for Dynamic Discounting. With this release, the add-on is now capable of handling this new credit note netting algorithm for supply chain finance.
The Taulia Platform will send instructions on the netting algorithm in the Submit Early Payment (EP_DO) process. When the new algorithm is instructed for SCF, all invoices in the netted position must have their due dates updated to match that of the leading invoice. To achieve this, the terms and baseline date of the leading invoice are copied to all other invoices in the netted position. This will ensure that all documents are paid in the same payment run. The original terms details for all invoices, as well as an indicator that the new algorithm was used to change the due dates, are stored in the Taulia SCF Payment Register table. Early payment cancellation will result in restoring the original terms and details on all of the documents in the originally requested netted position.
Get in touch with your Taulia representative if you wish to activate the new credit note netting algorithm.
The 5.1 release of the Taulia Add-On for SAP contains the following new features and enhanced functionality:
Working Capital Management
Allowed List for AR Financing
For Taulia AR financing, the recommended approach is to send one year of historical data for all customers to the Taulia Platform. However, there may be situations where full historical data extraction is not feasible or not permitted. Therefore, it is now possible to enable an allowed list to specify when data should only be extracted for specific customers.
A new variable (AR_ACTIVE) has been added to the Global Taulia Parameters (t-code: /TAULIA/CPARAM). Activating this variable with the appropriate AR pledging indicator value will activate the allowed list. When the allowed list is active, customer, sales order, AR invoice and AR payment data is then filtered to only send data to the Taulia Platform for customers with the configured pledging indicator. The removal of this variable from the configuration will deactivate the allowed list and result in all AR data to be sent to the Taulia Platform.
A new transaction, Activate AR Financing (t-code: /TAULIA/AR_ACTIVATE), has been created to add or remove customers to/from the allowed list. This transaction allows the selection of specific customers and displays the activation status of the selected customers. Customers can be activated and deactivated at the company code level within the transaction. Activating a customer for AR financing will trigger the configured AR pledging indicator to be automatically added to the customer master at the company code level. This action will also trigger the transfer of that customer/company code record and all open AR invoices and credit notes to the Taulia Platform. Deactivating a customer for AR financing will trigger the configured AR pledging indicator to be automatically removed from the customer master at the company code level. New and changed AR invoices and payments will no longer be sent to the Taulia Platform for deactivated customers.
The Activate AR Financing transaction includes an authorization check to ensure that the user has access to the display/change activity for the selected company code(s). An authorization object can be defined for the AR Activation authorization area in the Taulia Authorization Objects (t-code: /TAULIA/CAUTH) to activate this authorization check and users may be provisioned with the authorization object as required.
NOTE: The AR Financing allowed list requires manual intervention to activate customers and should only be used if there is a specific requirement to severely filter the data shared with Taulia.
Working Capital Simplification Improvements
When simplified working capital configuration is activated, supplier early payment group assignment is no longer required. Therefore, the EP Assign Status column in the following legacy supplier onboarding tools is now hidden:
When the switch to disable the automatic supplier master update (NO_WC_VENDOR_UPDATE) is activated in the Generic Taulia Switches (t-code: /TAULIA/GEN_SWITCHS) the column is still displayed but unassigned suppliers are shown with a warning rather than an error in this column to accommodate customers with a need to perform supplier master updates using the legacy Early Payment Assignment tool (t-code: /TAULIA/EPASSIGN).
The role template provided for assigning the necessary authorizations to the Taulia integration user (ZTAU_POD_RFC) has been enhanced to include new authorization objects, which are required when the simplified working capital configuration is active.
New Early Payment Request Validations
A new check has been added to the Submit Early Payment process (EP_DO) to reject the early payment request if the requested invoice has already been accelerated for a different finance type.
The validations that take place when a DD or SCF early payment request is received from the Taulia Platform have been enhanced with an additional check. If a different request was already received for the same document, the subsequent working capital request will be rejected. This scenario is not expected to occur, but in the unlikely event that it does, this validation will prevent any data mismatch between the Taulia Platform and SAP.
A new check for virtual card and SCF scenarios has been added to address customers who leverage dual control for supplier data changes. For all customers, when an early payment request is received for SCF or virtual cards, the Submit Early Payment (EP_DO) process will check if the supplier has a pending confirmation change. If a change is pending, it effectively acts as a payment block. Therefore, the early payment request will be rejected. For customers using the legacy working capital group configuration, this check has also been added to the AP Invoice Send process (INV_OUT) and functions to disable SCF or virtual card eligibility for any invoice when the supplier has a data change that is pending confirmation.
Improved Early Payment Request Bank Validation
An improvement was made to how bank information provided by the Taulia Platform in the Submit Early Payment (EP_DO) process is validated against the supplier bank information in SAP. Previously, only the first 18 characters of the bank account number were validated. Now in the case that the bank account number is longer than 18 characters, the full bank account number provided by the platform is compared with the full bank account number stored in the supplier master.
Refactored Working Capital Eligibility Checks
The logic that checks document eligibility for working capital solutions has been modularized for performance and improved troubleshooting. Now there is a new function module which performs the eligibility checks inside the Submit Early Payment process (EP_DO) separate from the one which performs the checks inside the Invoice Send (INV_OUT) and Early Payment Changes (EP) processes. For this reason, there is a new user exit (DD29) which is executed only during the Submit Early Payment process.
NOTE: User exit DD01 is no longer executed when an early payment request is received from the Taulia Platform. Therefore, customers which have logic in DD01 which applies to the early payment request should migrate their code to the newly created user exit DD29 so that it may be executed during the Submit Early Payment process (EP_DO).
Improved Supplier Master Update for Working Capital
The programs that perform supplier master updates for virtual card and SCF scenarios have been streamlined so that the logic applies to any SAP version.
Enhancements to Log Messages for Working Capital
When legacy working capital configuration is active, certain messages are raised in the Taulia Connection Monitor (t-code: /TAULIA/CONNECTOR) within the Invoice Send process (INV_OUT) to show working capital eligibility. The following eligibility messages have been modified to show as informational messages (green light) rather than error messages (red light):
Logging has been improved for the scenario where a Dynamic Discounting credit memo attempts to post to the cash discount GL account. The Submit Early Payment (EP_DO) process will now show the error messages raised when the cash discount GL account cannot be determined, resulting in a rejected early payment request. This applies to credit notes posted to the cash discount GL through the new configuration for DD Credit Note Posting Settings (t-code: /TAULIA/CNPOST) and through the legacy configuration of posting a credit note through the Payment Preparation Settings (t-code: /TAULIA/DD_CPAY).
A superfluous error message that was raised in the Connection Monitor during the SCF Processing job (ED_PROC) has been removed. This message was raised when processing a down payment request for a supplier in an SCF Paying Agent group.
GOS Modernization for Working Capital
The Taulia Platform no longer delays financing of an invoice when the finance start date is set to the future. Therefore, the GOS Early Payment feature to adjust the financing start date of an invoice is now retired. The "Available After" date field, date adjustment buttons and "Delay" button are no longer available in the Early Payment GOS screen.
The GOS tools to remove, delay, or change the finance start date for early payment eligibility have been removed for Paying Agent suppliers. The Early Payment GOS screen is now display-only for documents that are part of a JPM Paying Agent program.
Expanded Fiori Access for Supply Chain Finance
Access to the Fiori tile for the legacy Early Payment Assignment tool (t-code: /TAULIA/EPASSIGN) has been added to the Taulia Fiori role for Supply Chain Finance. Previously, access to this tile was only available with the Dynamic Discounting role. Users with the role ZTAU1_FIORI_SCF_TOOLS can now access the Early Payment Assignments tile on the Fiori Launchpad. This applies to both Spaces and Groups mode.
Invoice Automation
Timing Improvements for Invoice Submissions
Invoices submitted from the Taulia Platform now have their Taulia Platform unique identifier saved in the Invoice Submission Log table earlier in the Invoice Submission process (INV_IN) to minimize the risk of not being captured in the Invoice Send process (INV_OUT). This assists the Taulia Platform with merging the documents correctly and limits duplication of documents.
The workflow ID retrieved from partner workflow solutions (OpenText VIM, Kofax & Serrala) is now retrieved later in the Invoice Send process (INV_OUT). This allows maximum time for the partner solution to update the SAP document ID in its tables and ensures the SAP document ID and partner workflow ID are merged together into the same document in the Taulia Platform.
Enhancements to Log Messages for Invoice Submissions
Some messages logged in the Connection Monitor during the Invoice Submission process (INV_IN) have had their log level relaxed to be less severe:
Canadian Tax Mapping Improvement
A change was made to the way that tax mapping configuration is used for Canadian GST and HST tax types. Since there is typically only one tax ID for GST/HST, both tax types may be mapped to a single tax category/field in the Taulia Master Data Tax ID Mapping configuration (t-code: /TAULIA/CTXID_S4 in S/4 HANA systems or /TAULIA/CT_CTXID in ECC systems). Therefore, only one mapping needs to be configured for either GST or HST Canadian tax types. Tax IDs submitted for GST or HST during the Vendor Tax ID Updates process (VEN_TAXID) for SIM tax ID changes will respect the mapping of whichever tax type is maintained. Mapping GST and HST to separate tax categories/fields is still possible.
Expanded Invoice Cancellation for Partner Solutions
When supplier cancellation is activated for invoices submitted via the Taulia Platform, a failed cancellation will trigger the invoice to be marked for retransfer. This retransfer will now work correctly when the invoice exists in an active partner workflow solution (OpenText VIM, Kofax & Serrala).
Reinforced Partner Solution Check
The Taulia logic, which checks for an active partner workflow solution (such as OpenText VIM, Kofax, or Serrala), is now more resilient to upgrades.
General Taulia Functionality
Support for Fiori Spaces Layout Mode
Taulia now supports SAP Fiori Launchpad spaces and pages. Spaces mode is SAP's premier approach for visualization in the Fiori Launchpad. A new Taulia transport is required to create the Taulia configuration for this new layout within the Fiori Launchpad. Please reach out to your Taulia representative if you are converting your Fiori layout mode and would like to leverage the Taulia Fiori apps in spaces mode.
NOTE: For customers currently using the group's layout mode, the user roles provided by Taulia in the spaces layout mode are the same as those provided in the group's layout mode and will automatically be updated with the new Launchpad spaces. If customer-specific roles were created as a copy of the Taulia Fiori roles, the Taulia spaces would need to be copied to your customer-specific roles.
Accelerated Integration Improvements
The selection screen for the Taulia Mass Re-transfer tool (t-code: /TAULIA/TRANSFER) has been modernized. The tickbox previously labeled "Respect Markings" has been re-named as "Only include data for initialized suppliers" to better represent its usage. This option is not taken into account for customers using Accelerated Integration mode and is therefore now hidden when Accelerated Integration mode is active.
There are new tools to help customers convert from classic initialization mode to Accelerated Initialization mode.
A new program automatically migrates initialization timestamps for feeders to prevent re-initialization of data when the feeder processes are started. Customers migrating to Accelerated Initialization mode should execute this tool (t-code: /TAULIA/TMSTAMP_CONV) for the relevant feeder processes prior to scheduling the feeder jobs in the Taulia Job Scheduler (t-code: /TAULIA/JOB_SCHEDULE).
New tasks have been added to the Accelerated Data Init Method scenario in the Taulia Integration Assistant (t-code: /TAULIA/TIA).
General Enhancements to Log Messages
Logging in the Connection Monitor during the Vendor Tax ID Updates process (VEN_TAXID) is improved when tax ID mapping is missing for SIM tax ID changes. The long text now provides better information about maintaining the mapping in ECC and S/4 HANA environments.
The message raised when a supplier email address update fails in the legacy Taulia Enrollment Monitor (t-code: /TAULIA/ENROLLMENT) has been improved to provide better details about the reason for the failure.
A new error message will now be displayed in the Taulia Mass Re-transfer tool (t-code: /TAULIA/TRANSFER) when trying to retransfer a supplier that is not yet initialized. This message is only applicable when the legacy data initialization method is used.
Taulia Direct Updates
The program which creates and releases Taulia Direct jobs has been enhanced to delete jobs which fail to release. The release error as well as the job deletion action are logged in the Job Dispatcher process (DISPATCHER) in the Taulia Connection Monitor (t-code: /TAULIA/CONNECTOR).
The Scheduled Start date and timestamps for each integration process are no longer displayed in the Scheduler tab in Taulia Central (t-code: /TAULIA/CENTRAL). Jobs will only appear in this tab after the job has run. This change will prevent occasional short dumps in the Taulia Direct dispatcher when concurrent updates are are made to the table which populates these fields.
A default maximum of 9999 line items has been set for the Taulia Direct processes of Purchase Order Changes (PO), Invoice Send (INV_OUT), and Payment Details (PAYMENT). This default will be used if no maximum number of lines (DB_COUNT_LINE) parameter is entered for a given TAK and process in the Taulia Add-on Key and Process Attributes configuration (t-code: /TAULIA/CTAK_PRC).
Alignment of Default Lookback Period for Invoices and Payments
The default lookback period for invoice and payment data transfer has been aligned to the Taulia standard of 12 months. Therefore, when a supplier is initialized, all invoice and payment historical data for the preceding 12 months will be transferred to Taulia. This default period can be overridden for a customer in the Financial Data Transfer Settings (t-code: /TAULIA/BS_CBAL).
Enhanced Decimal Precision for Net Price
The Net Price sent to the Taulia Platform on PO items in the Purchase Order Changes process (PO) and received from the Taulia Platform in the Invoice Submission process (INV_IN) is enhanced to support 9 decimal places. This improves the precision of Net Price and Net Value presented to suppliers on purchase orders and received on invoices in the case that order price unit with a large conversion factor is used.
Synchronization of Invoiced Value Calculation on Purchase Orders
The Invoiced Value of a purchase order is calculated when sending PO information to the Taulia Platform. Taulia's invoiced value calculation has historically always included taxes, while SAP's invoiced value calculation does not include taxes when taxes are posted as separate line items. To synchronize the invoiced value presented to suppliers in the Taulia Platform with the PO history invoiced value in SAP, the default behavior for calculating the PO invoiced value has been changed to mimic the PO history value. This will exclude taxes, which are posted as separate line items.
If there is a need to always include taxes in the PO invoiced value calculation sent to Taulia, a new switch to include taxes in all cases (PO_INV_AMT_TAX) has been created in the Generic Taulia Switches (t-code: /TAULIA/GEN_SWITCHS).
Help Text Improvements
The help text for Payment Prepare Settings (t-code: /TAULIA/DD_CPAY) is modernized and some irrelevant text is removed.
The help text for the Tax Code Filter configuration (t-code: /TAULIA/CT_CTAXF) is updated with examples for use and a better explanation of how to perform the configuration activity.
Advanced Alerting for Bank Master Changes
An improvement was made in the Vendor Master Cockpit (/TAULIA/MASTER) for supplier bank changes to alert the user when a change is going to be executed, which updates the Bank Master record and may impact multiple suppliers.
Extraction of Supplier Block Indicator
A supplier block for automatic payment processing due to a general or company code level posting block, payment block or data change pending confirmation is now communicated to the Taulia Platform in the Vendor Master (VEN) process. The Taulia Platform will eventually use this information to document status and determine working capital eligibility.
Improved Flexibility of Global Taulia Parameters
Retrieval of variables maintained in the Global Taulia Parameters table (t-code: /TAULIA/CPARAM) has been relaxed so that users do not need to maintain the variable type for Parameters. The Add-on now assumes that the variable is of type "Parameter" if no type is maintained. Users still need to enter the type "Selection Option" for that type of variable.
Taulia Integration Assistant Enhancement
The Taulia Integration Assistant (t-code: /TAULIA/TIA) Taulia Direct Implementation scenario now checks that the configured RFC destination exists and tests the connection in the case that the connection from SAP to the Taulia Platform is being made through SAP CPI/CI.
The 5.1 release of the Taulia Add-on for SAP contains the following fixed issues:
Working Capital Management
AR Financing Early Payment Request Fix
Fixed an issue for AR Financing early payment requests on invoices with multiple customer lines. The pledging indicator now updates the first customer item.
SCF Processing Job Fixes
Fixed an issue that was problematic for customers with cross-company EP groups activated in the General Early Payment settings (t-code: /TAULIA/DD_CSCF1). This issue prevented the SCF Processing job (ED_PROC) from being triggered when a change was made to the SCF Collection Accounts configuration (t-code: /TAULIA/CSCFCOLL). Changes to SCF collection accounts should automatically update SCF vendors with the relevant payee(s).
In certain scenarios when the SCF Processing job ailed to update the vendor master, the failure reasons were not being logged in the Taulia Connection Monitor (t-code: /TAULIA/CONNECTOR). This has now been resolved so that the appropriate log messages are captured.
Fixed an issue which was causing the payee to not be updated on the vendor master in the SCF Processing job. This was only problematic in S/4 HANA environments when the SAP enhancement to enable account group change was enabled.
Faulty EP Assign Status Column
The SAP automatic payment program no longer blocks payment for an invoice when there is a payment block applied to the supplier master at the general data level. Therefore, a supplier with a payment block at the general data level no longer triggers a warning to be displayed in the EP Assign Status column in the following legacy supplier onboarding tools where this column is displayed:
Missing Vendor SCF Eligibility Indicator
Fixed an issue that was preventing a vendor-level indicator of SCF eligibility from being correctly sent to the Taulia Platform. Taulia Financial Operations teams require this indicator to properly support customers using the legacy Add-on configurations for working capital. This indicator is not required for simplified working capital configuration. Customers already using simplified working capital configuration should de-activate, then re-activate the switch (SIMPLE_GROUP_ON) in the Generic Taulia Switches (t-code: /TAULIA/GEN_SWITCHS) to prevent the SCF eligibility flag from superfluously being sent to the Taulia Platform.
Stuck Early Payment Assignment Transaction
Fixed an issue in the legacy Early Payment Assignment tool (t-code: /TAULIA/EPASSIGN) that was preventing users from exiting the transaction when a specific Taulia message pop-up was raised. This was only problematic when cross-company EP groups were activated, but no EP groups were created.
Invalid Document Updates for Credit Note Netting
Fixed an issue with Credit Note Netting for Dynamic Discounting that was causing incorrect document updates in the case that the credit note posting setting is defined in the Payment Preparation Settings (t-code: /TAULIA/DD_CPAY) and the credit note creation for the discount amount fails. Now the terms and baseline date will not be updated on any of the documents in the netted position when credit note creation fails, and a rejection will be sent to the Taulia Platform as expected.
Invoice Automation
Missing Mapping for Delivery Note Number
The entry of invoice delivery note number on invoices submitted from the Taulia Platform was not mapping to the invoice header RFC data in Taulia Direct integrations and was being truncated to 16 characters. Now the field is mapped for Taulia Direct connections and extended to 244 characters for all integration types.
NOTE: If customer has integration via POD, a POD restart is mandatory. The data transmitted by the POD will be corrupted if the POD is not restarted.
Out of Balance Issue
Fixed an issue that was causing invoice/credit memo submissions from the Taulia Platform to be out of balance and not post in SAP in the case that a line item with 0 amount was submitted.
General Taulia Functionality
Accelerated Integration Fixes
Fixed an issue in Acceleration Integration mode that was was causing deadlocks when updating the process timestamp table for feeder processes trying to start simultaneously.
Taulia Direct Fixes
Added a missing mapping for Taulia Direct integrations to send the Purchase Order plant code and plant name to the Taulia Platform. These fields may be used by integrated suppliers who are set up to receive PO data from the Taulia Platform automatically.
Fixed an issue in the Taulia Job Scheduler (t-code: /TAULIA/JOB_SCHEDULE) where the deletion of Taulia a job in one client was performing a cross-client deletion of all jobs with the same background job name. Now when the delete function is used in the job scheduler, the job will only be deleted in the client where the transaction is being executed.
For certain Taulia Direct integration scenarios, XML attachments received from the Taulia Platform in the Invoice Submission process (INV_IN) were being archived with the wrong file size and were not able to be opened in SAP. This has been resolved.
Fixed an issue with the mapping of item-level custom fields for POs in Taulia Direct. Item-level custom fields populated by user exit will now be transmitted to the Taulia Platform in the Purchase Order Changes process (PO).
Fixes for Missed Documents in POD Integrations
For POD integrations, the timestamp in the Invoice Send process (INV_OUT) was not properly set when the batch size limit was reached. This was causing some invoices to be skipped for transfer to the Taulia Platform. To prevent this issue, the timestamp for the next POD start time is now set to the timestamp of the last invoice in the previous batch.
An issue was discovered for POD integrations that was skipping invoices queued for retransfer in the event that the first retransfer attempt resulted in a failed POD job. This issue has been resolved by changing the way documents are selected from the Taulia retransfer table.
Fixed an issue for POD integrations which was causing documents to be skipped from transfer to the Taulia Platform when the POD processes for POs (poGet), AP invoices (invoiceGet) or AP payments (paymentGet) had their daysBack setting set to 0. This issue was only occurring when new documents were created during high-volume data processing, when the maximum batch size for these processes was being reached.
Communication Errors Due to Prohibited Characters
Certain characters that are prohibited by the Taulia Platform are now filtered out of free text fields by default during the Purchase Order Changes process (PO) and the Invoice Send process (INV_OUT).
A new switch to turn off the filtering of prohibited characters (CHAR_FILTER_OFF) has been created in the Generic Taulia Switches (t-code: /TAULIA/GEN_SWITCHS). Attempting to send data to the Taulia Platform with prohibited characters results in HTTP communication errors, therefore it is recommended to not activate this switch.
Locked POs During Batch Image Processing
Fixed an issue that was causing POs to be locked during the entirety of the Business Document to Supplier process (BUSDOC_OUT). This was causing POs to be locked for user editing for a longer period of time than necessary, especially during the processing of a large batch of documents. This issue was only occurring when the Taulia PO image transfer method was configured as “Output-based image transfer."
Timeouts During Batch Image Processing
Implemented a performance improvement on the selection of POs that are queued for image transfer to prevent timeouts and reduce processing time for the Business Document to Supplier process (BUSDOC_OUT).
Inaccurate PO Item Value Calculation
Fixed an issue with PO item value calculation for items that have a non-dimensional unit of measure and a price per unit not equal to 1.
Inaccurate PO Invoiced Value Calculation
Fixed an issue that was causing down payments to be incorrectly calculated and added to the PO invoiced value sent to the Taulia Platform during the Purchase Order Changes (PO) process. Down payments are only added to the PO invoiced value when configured in the Taulia Outgoing Down Payment Transfer (t-code: /TAULIA/CDPMT), and the switch to turn on down payment PO history (POHIST_DP_ON) has been activated in the Generic Taulia Switches (t-code: /TAULIA/GEN_SWITCHS).
Taulia Register Table Performance Issue
Fixed an issue with a Taulia accelerated invoice register table to ensure items are removed from the table when they are paid. Previously, entries were getting stuck in the table, causing a performance bottleneck when selecting from the table.
Broken Vendor Link in Message Board
Fixed the vendor link within the Taulia Message Board. Clicking the number under the Vendor column now takes the user to the vendor master display transaction. Previously, the link was only working when the message was related to a company code.
Error Sending Message in Fiori Apps
Fixed an issue in the Taulia Supplier Information Management Fiori apps that was causing the "Send Message" function to result in an error when sending a message longer than 200 characters. The field allows the input of a message up to 300 characters and a message with this length can now be sent successfully.
New to Taulia? There’s a guide for that! Let us guide you so you can quickly get started.
Use the email notification settings feature to manage your email notifications.
Learn how to turn on two-factor authentication, a feature that enables you to add an extra layer of security to your Taulia account.
In this article you will find main possible issues about two-factor authentication.
Manage your bank information through the portal!
Create an invoice against a PO through the portal.
Some European suppliers require to have the compliance saved prior to invoice submission.