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Home / po status

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Q. What are the different PO statuses?: 000003622

Article Number: 000003622

Note - This feature may not be available in your portal.

Depending on the activities or actions taken against a purchase order, you will see the purchase order status in the portal change. Because Taulia is connected to your customer's procurement system, changes or updates to the status of a purchase order is immediately available.

Please do the following to check the status of your purchase order:

1 -
Log into the Supplier Portal and select your customer.

2 - Click on My POs under Quick Access Links.

3 - You may search for a PO by PO Number or PO Status.

4 - From the search results list, look under the column Status.

User-added image

You can also see the PO status when viewing the PO details.

User-added image

Possible PO Status
Please note that not all PO statuses described below may be applicable/available for your customer.
For invoice status definition, click here.

  • New - PO has been created by the customer and is ready for your review.
  • Unconfirmed - PO is waiting to be confirmed/acknowledged. This status is only available if your customer is using PO Confirmation - Version 2
  • Delivered - A Goods Receipt has been entered for the PO. An indicator that the value of the products/services you provided has been acknowledged by your customer.
  • Invoiced - PO has an invoice posted against it. Use the search feature in the My Invoices section to look for invoices posted against a purchase order.
  • Open - A Previous PO that is made available in the portal without having a "New" status.
  • Closed - The PO is closed by the customer. Usually, because it is fully invoiced. Contact your buyer if this status is incorrect.
  • Self Billing - POs with this status cannot be invoiced through the portal. Please contact your customer to verify if an invoice should be submitted through another channel.

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New to Taulia? There’s a guide for that! Let us guide you so you can quickly get started.


Q. How do I start/stop receiving email notifications?: 000003472

Use the email notification settings feature to manage your email notifications.

Q. How do I merge/combine my Taulia accounts into one?: 000003598

If you have more than one customer using the Taulia Portal and you need access to two or more accounts with the same login, you can combine your customers to one login.

Q. How do I access or switch customer accounts?: 000003466

Many portal users use Taulia for different customers. Because of this, accounts are typically merged to provide easy access for multiple customers using one email account in Taulia.

Q. How do I create an invoice from a purchase order (eFlip)?: 000003324

Create an invoice against a PO through the portal.

Q. Where can I see early payment rates on invoices I have submitted for early payment?: 000003507

Invoice early payment details can be viewed directly from the invoice details section.

Q. How do I add or update my bank account/information?: 000003497

Manage your bank information through the portal!

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