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Q. My purchase order is missing. Who should I contact?: 000003198

Article Number: 000003198

All purchase orders are created by your customer and transmitted to Taulia through your buyer's procurement system. Taulia allows your customer to deliver the PO details to you through the platform for review or invoicing purposes. 

If you are not able to locate a PO in Taulia, please try the steps below:

1 - Use the PO search feature in My POs.

2 - If the PO number is less than 10 digits please, add 0 to complete the number such as - 0012345678.

3 - You can further narrow down your search by PO status:

  • New 
  • Unconfirmed 
  • Delivered 
  • Invoiced
  • Open 
  • Closed 
  • Self Billing 

4 - Use the Advanced Search feature and look at the Customer or Branch filter. Make sure that it’s showing “All”. Also, check if Third-Party Present in is selected.

Third-party present in purchase order search option stands for where a third-party is present in a purchase order, e.g. you may be a partner as an ordering address, a supplier of goods, but may not be an invoicing party, please activate this checkbox to include these orders in the search. Alternatively for instances where a subsidiary or alternate address is present in a purchase order, e.g. an instance where a buyer may view one of your subsidiaries or branches as a different company when they are all one entity, please activate this checkbox to include these orders in the search.

If the steps above fail to produce the purchase order, please reach out to your customer and let them that you are not able to find the PO in Taulia. If you need additional support using Taulia, please contact Taulia Support.

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New to Taulia? There’s a guide for that! Let us guide you so you can quickly get started.


Q. How do I create an invoice from a purchase order (eFlip)?: 000003324

Create an invoice against a PO through the portal.

Q. Where can I see early payment rates on invoices I have submitted for early payment?: 000003507

Invoice early payment details can be viewed directly from the invoice details section.

Q. How do I contact my customer through the portal?: 000003470

Use the "Send Message" option to quickly contact your customer through the portal!

Q. How do I contact support?: 000003357

Contact support if you are not able to find the help information you need.

Q. How do I create invoices using the Invoice Upload feature?: 000008597

Information on how to upload invoices through the supplier platform using the Invoice Upload feature.

Q. My invoice is showing 'In Process'. What does this mean?: 000008561

Information why your invoice is showing 'In Process'.

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