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We are a technology company dedicated to helping simplify business transactions and increase cash flow through an easy to use platform.

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Pfizer - Come trovo lo stato di un pagamento tramite numero di fattura?: 000006238

Article Number: 000006238

Puoi trovare lo stato di un pagamento tramite numero di fattura seguendo queste istruzioni:

1 - Accedi alla pagina Home del portale

2 - Seleziona I Miei Pagamenti

3 - Inserisci il numero di fattura nel campo “Numero di Fattura”

4 - Il risultato mostrerà a quale numero di pagamento è collegata la fattura

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New to Taulia? There’s a guide for that! Let us guide you so you can quickly get started.


Q. How do I add or update my bank account/information?: 000003497

Manage your bank information through the portal!

Q. How do I add or deactivate users?: 000003731

You can manage your account users in the portal and provide different levels of access.

Q. How do I change my Taulia account's email address?: 000003383

You can update the email address that you use to access Taulia.

Q. How do I start/stop receiving email notifications?: 000003472

Use the email notification settings feature to manage your email notifications.

Q. How do I merge/combine my Taulia accounts into one?: 000003598

If you have more than one customer using the Taulia Portal and you need access to two or more accounts with the same login, you can combine your customers to one login.

Q. How do I remove line items from a PO that I currently do not want to invoice?: 000003609

Remove PO line items you are not invoicing. These line items will remain available for invoicing at a later time.

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