Taulia experience center
New to Taulia? There’s a guide for that! Let us guide you so you can quickly get started.
Finding capital for your business shouldn’t be complicated.Join the thousands of business who use Taulia to get paid early on their invoices.
We are a technology company dedicated to helping simplify business transactions and increase cash flow through an easy to use platform.
Taulia Support and the entire Technical Services team is dedicated in helping you succeed. To do that, we have policies in place to show our unwavering commitment to you. Take a moment to read through our support policies to learn more.
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Uwaga! Ta funkcja moze byc niedostepna w twoim portalu.
Przypomnienie! W przypadku problemów lub rozbieznosci dotyczacych platnosci, nalezy zwrócic sie do dzialu obslugi zobowiazan ksiegowych klienta. W systemie Taulia nie mozna tworzyc lub realizowac platnosci.
Aby wyswietlic szczególy platnosci, postepuj zgodnie z ponizszymi instrukcjami:
1 - Zaloguj sie na Stronie glównej portalu (portal.taulia.com).
2 - Kliknij Moje platnosci w menu Linków szybkiego dostepu.
3 - Wprowadz Numer referencyjny platnosci lub wyszukaj go na liscie zapisanych platnosci.
4 - Kliknij hiperlacze numeru referencyjnego platnosci w kolumnie Nr ref. platnosci.
Zostana wyswietlone wszystkie faktury (oraz korekty faktur), które zostaly zaplacone / skorygowane z uzyciem numeru referencyjnego platnosci powiazanego hiperlaczem.
Masz do wyboru nastepujace opcje:
Ostatnia modyfikacja: 14/01/2014
New to Taulia? There’s a guide for that! Let us guide you so you can quickly get started.
Use the email notification settings feature to manage your email notifications.
Learn how to turn on two-factor authentication, a feature that enables you to add an extra layer of security to your Taulia account.
In this article you will find main possible issues about two-factor authentication.
Manage your bank information through the portal!
Create an invoice against a PO through the portal.
Some European suppliers require to have the compliance saved prior to invoice submission.