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Q. What are the different invoice statuses?: 000003618

Article Number: 000003618

Because Taulia is connected to your customer accounting system, you can see the real-time status of your invoices through your Taulia account. Your customer also controls the invoice status types they want their suppliers to see through Taulia. This means certain invoice statuses may not be applicable to certain customer accounts. It's also important to understand that the invoice payables process (approval, rejection, voiding, etc.) is owned by your customer's AP group, not Taulia.

Invoices submitted outside of Taulia are only available once your customer receives and enters the invoice information in their accounting system, and flag it for display in your Taulia account.

You can check the status of your invoice by doing the following:

1 - From the portal home page, select your customer.

2 - Go to My Invoices.

3 - Search for your invoice number.

4 - In the search results area, look under Status. This column will show the current status of your invoice:

User-added image

Possible Invoice Status
Please note that not all invoice statuses described below may be applicable/available for your customer.
For the PO status definition, click here.

  • Approved - The invoice is ready for payment and is waiting to be paid based on the due date. In the meantime, an early payment may be requested.
  • Cleared - An offset value of your original open invoice. Typically means the invoice is not paid. Contact your customer if you have questions.
  • Draft - The invoice has been created but IS NOT submitted.
  • Early Payment Available - The invoice is approved for payment and it is eligible to be paid early.
  • In Process - The invoice is pending review in your customer's accounting system. Hover your mouse over the reason to see why your invoice is still In Process. If there is no reason, please contact your customer.
  • Incomplete - A correction needs to be made on the invoice. Hover your mouse over the Incomplete status and see the reason. You can fix the invoice by selecting Complete by selecting the gear icon. See My invoice is showing an Incomplete Status for additional information.
  • Paid - The invoice has been paid, and the payment reference is linked to the invoice.
  • Pending Cancellation - Invoices that are requested for cancellation and pending to be canceled.
  • Pending ReviewThe invoice is received but requires additional information/correction before they are sent to the customer. The invoice can be edited and submitted directly in the portal at this stage. See Q. My invoice is showing a pending review status for additional information.
  • Rejected - The customer rejected the invoice permanently. Rejection reason is sometimes provided by your customer. See Q. Why was my invoice rejected/voided? for more information. You may need to create a new invoice once you understand why the original invoice was rejected. 
  • Submitting - An invoice is in the submission process to your customer's accounting system.
  • Unpaid - Available as an invoice search status. It shows a list of invoices that are not paid but have an "approved" or "in process" status. The invoice may have a status other than "paid".
  • Voided -  The invoice has been canceled by your customer. Contact your customer if you have questions.
  • Validation Pending - The invoice is in the process of being validated with the local tax authority. This is a temporary status.
  • Validation Failed - Invoice failed validation with the local tax authority. The invoice must be resubmitted.

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