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Colgate-Palmolive (Europe, Africa and Eurasia) - How to create a non-po based invoice?: 000008529

Article Number: 000008529

Follow the instructions below to create a non-po based invoice for Colgate-Palmolive:

Note - If you are not configured by Colgate-Palmolive to submit non-po invoices, you will get an error. Contact your buyer if you have questions.

1 - From the portal homepage, select Create Invoice.

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2 - Select Create Non-PO Invoice.

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3 - Select the Colgate-Palmolive business unit that you need to invoice from the Customer list then select Create Non-PO Invoice.

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4 - From the invoice creation screen, enter the following invoice header information:

  • Invoice Number
  • Invoice Date
  • Currency (select the correct currency)
  • Requestor (enter the email address of your buyer which should end with @colpal.com, @hillspet.com, @gaba.com, or @tomsofmaine.com)
  • Invoice Type
  • Downpayment Req (Select the box if the invoice is a downpayment request)
  • Bank Name
  • Supplier Tax Identifier

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5 - Edit the following fields in the line item(s)

  • Item Description (enter your line item description)
  • Unit (select the correct UOM)
  • Quantity 
  • Unit Price 
  • Tax Type
  • PO Number & PO Line Item (required if invoice type = Freight and ERS)
  • Expense Type (required if invoice type = Freight)
  • Bill Of Lading (required if invoice type = Freight)
  • Invoice Delivery Note (required if invoice type = Freight)
  • Expense Type (required if invoice type = Freight - select the expense type for the line item)
  • Start Date (required if the invoice type = Consignment MRKO and ERS)
  • End Date (required if the invoice type = Consignment MRKO)

Note - Select + Add Line to add more line items

6 - Under Additional Items, you can add additional charges for freight, packing, etc.

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7 - Select Upload Attachment to attach supporting documentation to your invoice.

8 - If available, select the Pay Me Early Option box to get paid as soon as the invoice is approved in exchange for a small discount.

9 - Select Submit Invoice. Once the invoice is submitted, you can track the status by going to the My Invoices section of the portal.

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New to Taulia? There’s a guide for that! Let us guide you so you can quickly get started.


Q. Where can I see early payment rates on invoices I have submitted for early payment?: 000003507

Invoice early payment details can be viewed directly from the invoice details section.

Q. How do I update my company/remit/shipment address?: 000003169

Information on how to update your address data.

Q. How do I create an invoice from a purchase order (eFlip)?: 000003324

Create an invoice against a PO through the portal.

Q. How do I add or deactivate users?: 000003731

You can manage your account users in the portal and provide different levels of access.

Q. How do I add or update my bank account/information?: 000003497

Manage your bank information through the portal!

Q. My invoice is showing 'In Process'. What does this mean?: 000008561

Information why your invoice is showing 'In Process'.

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