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Q. How do I configure our invoice compliance details for Portugal?: 000008592

Article Number: 000008592

For Portugal, electronic invoice submissions through Taulia must be fully compliant with the tax laws in Portugal and we require that all electronic invoices must be registered with the Portuguese Tax Authority. You will not be able to submit your invoices through Taulia without completing your compliance details.

There are two possible ways your electronic invoice submissions through Taulia can be fully compliant with the Portuguese Tax Authority. The options below will depend on how your customer configured Taulia to provide compliance data:

  • Taulia Platform (through integration with EDICOM)
    • This method requires you to provide your SAFT credentials. Your SAFT username and password are sent for identification when Taulia sends your invoices to the Portugal Tax Authority (Agencia Tributaria). By this method, every invoice submitted through Taulia will be processed by EDICOM. It will be validated, registered with the tax authority, and returned with a unique invoice number and signature. 
  • My own method outside of Taulia
  • This method requires you to provide the Share Capital, Address of headquarters, Commercial registry office, and Registration number information to properly register your invoice to the Portuguese Tax Authority. This option requires you to upload a copy of your tax-registered invoice when submitting the invoice through Taulia. 

Note - You must also have your tax identifiers registered under My Details > Tax Identifiers.


You can register and maintain your compliance settings by doing the following:

1 - Log into the portal and select your customer. 

2 - Select My Details > Compliance Settings 

3 - From the Compliance Data section, select the method for registering invoices with the Portuguese Tax Authority.

User-added image


Taulia Platform (through integration with EDICOM) - you must provide your SAFT credentials.

User-added image

My own method outside of Taulia - you must provide the Share Capital, Address of headquarters, Commercial registry office, and Registration number

User-added image

4 - Select Submit to save your configuration. You can start creating your invoice submission by going to Invoices > Create Invoices.

5 - Based on your compliance settings, your invoice submission requirements are different:

Taulia Platform (through integration with EDICOM)

  • In the invoice creation screen, the Invoice number field is hidden on the invoice submission page. When the invoice is submitted, it will be sent to EDICOM where a unique invoice number will be generated and assigned to the invoice. EDICOM also provides a signature which is then applied on every page of the PDF generated by the Taulia platform.
  • It is important to note that the Supply Date field is mandatory. Other than that, the invoice submission process is the same.

My own method outside of Taulia

  • You will be asked to upload a PDF file that represents your legal invoice. You will then be taken to the invoice creation screen where you can enter the same data from the legal PDF invoice you uploaded. At this point, the invoice submission process is the same. Be sure to provide the same data found in your legal PDF invoice on the invoice submission page.

6 - Select Submit Invoice. You can monitor the status of your invoice submission through the My Invoices section of the portal.

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New to Taulia? There’s a guide for that! Let us guide you so you can quickly get started.


Q. What is my vendor number?: 000003517

Your vendor information is accessible under My Details in the portal.

Q. How do I update my company/remit/shipment address?: 000003169

Information on how to update your address data.

Q. How do I merge/combine my Taulia accounts into one?: 000003598

If you have more than one customer using the Taulia Portal and you need access to two or more accounts with the same login, you can combine your customers to one login.

Q. How do I change my Taulia account's email address?: 000003383

You can update the email address that you use to access Taulia.

Q. I am getting the error "There was a problem recording your acceptance of our Terms and Conditions": 000006480

The error "There was a problem recording your acceptance of our Terms and Conditions" may come up when accepting the T&C for the first time.

Q. How do I contact my customer through the portal?: 000003470

Use the "Send Message" option to quickly contact your customer through the portal!

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